Pastor's Update -- August, 2016
Dear Members and Friends,
Ah…Summer! The sun is shining today. That’s right; This week will be the hottest summer beyond 100 degrees. Sun is up to brighten our lives.
As I write this newsletter, we have just completed another inspiring Annual Conference just right before the summer season. All of us face a fall of new times of witness and programs with which we hope to touch the world with Christ’s love.
But summer has already come. School is out! Jesus knew well the importance of resting and preparation for a new day of ministry. When the disciples returned from their mission of healing and preaching the good news, Jesus invited them to “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” He knew that before long, the mission would continue and his disciples would need to be well-rested for the tasks ahead.
And so, vacation is coming. Go aside and get some rest. And don’t forget to take Jesus with you for your time away. Use your summer to reflect on what God has done with you this year and pray for strength and wisdom for the mission ahead. Whether or not on the water, in the woods, by the ocean, traveling or staying home, may you find some rest this summer.
May you have some time alone, by yourself, with the Jesus who calls you to rest, and to ministry.
Have a great summer!
Pastor Dennis